Posted @withregram • @naudiaguilar
I have several disagreements with HOW influencers approach training, as well as the WHY behind their methods. Before I could truly get a grasp on how to fix problems with people, I needed a conceptual framework that would orient me to a path that would yield consistent outcomes. The @functionalpatterns First Four were what enabled me to know where to go with training.
My conclusions up until now are that if humans can master STANDING, WALKING, RUNNING, AND THROWING, every motion after that you choose to learn becomes substantially easier to master. The reason for that comes back to the fact that these four functions define us biomechanically.
In modern times, we have distorted ourselves away from our biological roots, consequently leading us to where we are now: anxious, weak, neurotic, in pain, dehydrated, sick, injured, depressed, etc. My hypothesis is that most conditions humans deal with are the byproduct of not getting back to these roots.
In application, if the exercises you do happen to not build on the sequential motions that created the human organism, they will act to counter to the roots of what make us who we were at our best. That said, this still only accounts for the why. The how after understanding the why is completely different.
I’ve been copied on the why for over a decade, and no one finds the formula. Why? That’s a story for another time.