Posted @withregram • @functionalpatterns
When it comes to standing posture there are a variance of different postures that people have. The question we ask is whether or not these postures can facilitate efficient motion when that person decides to move around or exercise.
Aside from walking, running and throwing, your standing posture is essentially the bedrock of your structure. The way we see it is that a solid foundation needs to be laid before you start building out the rest of your structure and stacking on muscle. The more problematic your base is, the less likely the muscle you stack on it is going to function optimally.
Most people look at posture in an isolated context and don’t consider that it’s fundamental in being able to move and function well outside of just standing. Before you can correct imbalances on a human structure when it’s in motion and exercising, you need to be able to correct these problems at the most basic level first and foremost. This being your standing posture.
Your posture is essentially the centre between extremes on a spectrum. It represents balance. If you’re stuck at one end of the spectrum as it relates to your how you stand, for example a kypholordosis, this is the default your body works from when it goes into motion. Keep in mind that the same imbalances present in your posture carry over to literally everything that you do when you move.
The more centered you are on that spectrum at rest, the more prepared you’ll be to move your body in ways that aren’t going to lead to problems down the track. You’ll be able to approach both sides of the spectrum in movement without relying solely on being stuck at one end with everything that you do. If you want to move and function optimally, it all starts with learning to stand correctly.